'Indianapolis' (S3E6) Quotes: Teriyaki Hairpiece, Angela Lansbury and Portobello Mushrooms
Photo: NBC
Ron: The lady next to me: a bitch. Specifically, my ex-wife Tammy.
Allergic: For Men
Jerry: Oh no, way too late. I will be deep into my bath by then.
Everyone: Ewwww...
Leslie: Don't let us picture that.
Leslie: Tom, I want you to take Ben and make him go to that antihistamine party.
Name of Andy's new album: April Ludgate Is the Best Ever, Volume 1
Ann: Leslie, I think Chris is cheating on me.
Leslie: What?! That lying bastard. Wait, how do you know?
Leslie: In high school, they used to call me Angela Lansbury.... But that was because of my haircut.
Ron: They just boarded her up like she was some common warehouse. I should have been here.
Dude at Bar: What's your name?
April: Oprah.
Chris: Ron, would you like some salad?
Ron: Since I am not a rabbit, no, I don't.
Ron: What in the devil's name is this?
Chris: Portobello mushrooms
Tom: You know what I smell like?
Ben: A teriyaki hairpiece?
Leslie: Another time, a guy invited me to a beautiful picnic with wine and flowers and then, when I tried to sit down, he said, "Don't eat anything. Rebecca's coming." And then he broke up with me.
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